As I was driving home tonight Sam pointed out the moon. As I looked up it all made sense - Aha! It is a full moon. That must explain the wacky day we had today. Nothing really crazy just everything a bit off... A few things that drove me crazy:
-Sam has decided he is going to test the waters... push the limits... challenges... battles... everything is a negotiation. When I ask him to do something..ANYTHING... he either asks me why, tells me he'll do it in a few minutes or that he just doesn't want to... or gives me stink eye, attitude or ignores me. This is my usually compliant, sweet boy. OK so he is pretty compliant and sweet but I am getting glimpses into the teenage years and it makes me crazy. We talked over and over today about remembering please and thank you, listening, sharing, helping etc. The things he is usually pretty good at. Funny how much he can forget in 5 minutes.
-Ben has gotten 3 teeth in the last two weeks and the last of the bunch is almost in and giving him grief. Ben's teething=no sleep which means no sleep for me which means I have little patience.
-Mac is feeling better and is starting to move around a bit. I think I have rewrapped his bandages about 40 times today. Keeping bandages on a dog's forearm and elbow is a major pain... every time he takes about 2 steps they slouch that it's healing he is interested in getting at it. Only one week left until the stitches come out and he gets back to normal - bandages off, walks etc.
-Ben purposefully dumping water all over his carseat and clothes via a leaky sippy cup. "Mom...I'm spilling my's pants are wet." I looked back and he had the cup upside down - just letting it run all over himself.
-Sam moaning about me cooking the wrong kind of rice... Apparently he wanted brown rice he sat and stared at his plate for 30 min and whined until we threatened to send him to bed.
Things that made me happy today - and the above seem more insignificant:
-The sun came out today - yahoo!-The sky was an awesome blue/turquoise color tonight after sunset and full of stars - gorgeous.
-The kids have been playing really well together... it is so fun to see them entertain each other, do nice things for each other and make each other laugh.
-Fun holiday parties and festivities coming up...zoo lights, peacock lane, tree cutting, Christmas music, cookie making, present wrapping, Starbucks red holiday cups, Christmas jammies...
-Ben is turning 2 in a few weeks. This is bitter sweet - but sweet none the less. He makes me laugh every day and is becoming such a big boy. He says a few sentences in a row now, runs wild, squeals and is a pretty silly kid. He learned how to jump this week - and get both feet off of the ground which is pretty hilarious. He does it over and over and over...
-Sam is getting really curious about everything. He loves asking why which can be annoying, but he is genuinely interested in how everthing works. He is learning so much at school and has recently started reading. He notices everything around him... right now he is really interested in the seasons changing...the leaves falling etc.
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