Is it really almost October? It was 90 degrees here in Portland today! It is after midnight and is still 70 outside. Pretty crazy. In a few days it will be back down in the 60s and wet... gotta love Oregon!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Another weekend gone...and we're tired.
Born in Arizona Mac still loves the sun...
Juice! Brian loving my new bat. So does everyone else! Nice legs #9
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Mr. Cranky Pants
Friday, September 26, 2008
It has been a really busy week around the Adams house... YAHOO the weekend is finally here! Brian took the afternoon off to golf with JD and Colin. I think his head is still spinning with everything going on in the financial world.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Big one Little one
Of course they have their moments of not wanting to share, or not wanting to be tackled by the other one etc. But for the most part they are pretty good buddies. Yesterday I heard Sam telling his brother "We can't turn on those lights because we don't want to waste energy!" and today "Here, let me take your shoes off for you... We can't jump on the bed with our shoes because we'll get it alllllll dirrrty." Quite the little helper.
Yep, I let my kids jump on the bed. Bad mom.
Professor update: Brian was interviewed again this week on KPAM (talk radio). He was locked out of his office that morning but was able to get in and do the interview a bit late... they opened the segment with Bryan Adams "Please forgive me..." It was too funny. KOIN showed up at UP yesterday and filmed his class and interviewed Brian and one of his students for the 5:30 news. He will be on KGW again tonight after another interview in his office this am. I am married to quite the celebrity although he says he is ready for it to end...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Close your mouth will ya!
Sam had swimming lessons tonight - he is loving it and is crazy about his teacher - John. If he could stop smiling long enough to close his mouth when he goes under water it would greatly reduce the amount of sputtering and choking!
He especially loves seeing Lizzie every week. Tonight Papa and Mimi took them out for ice cream after class. Sam had to get green ice cream (choc chip mint) because that's what Lizzie ordered.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Professor - Part II
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Where did the day go?
*birthday party with bouncy houses, bouncy slides and kids just bouncing off the walls (below is a picture of Sam with a ring pop he received as a party favor. He has no idea what it really is (candy) and carried it around all day telling me it was really sticky!)
*brian golfed with friends
*the boys got haircuts...thank goodness as Sam was starting to look like David Letterman
*the kids got to play with friends at Jennah's tonight
*lots of snuggling, giggling and stories at bedtime (see above)
Ben is starting to carry around treasures like his older brother... if you look closely you can see a race car, 2 trains, a blue marble and Percy. He would carry more if he could.

We play a lot of Scrabble in Sunriver. It usually starts with Ellen saying "Can we spell swear words?" and ends with Dad saying "It's a Scrumble!" If you don't know what a scrumble is, well we don't really know either. It started one night after a few beers and stuck.
Friday, September 19, 2008
I Heart my Mini
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Five things that made me smile today...

3. Sam’s little green pumpkin is now orange. The kids have been watering it for months. It should be ripe and ready for picking in October!
4. Finding a bag of Dove dark chocolates in one of the kitchen drawers. Yum!
5. It is a beautiful, sunny day.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Professor...
The boys think it is just hilarious to play hide and seek in our bed. They hide under the comforter and giggle while we count to 10.
Brian was asked to do a live interview on the news tonight about issues surrounding the Lehman Brothers' Bankrupcy. Here he is trying to get out the door for his TV debut!
He didn't realize it was going to be a one on one interview and was hoping just to be financial eye candy in the background...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Cannon Beach
Brian and I took the kids to Cannon Beach this morning after breakfast. It was a beautiful day...not a cloud in the sky. Sam found a perfect spot to start digging and building sand castles. He made me a special pile of sand spaghetti topped with meat sauce, chocolate and pink ice cream on top!
Ben's feet hit the sand and he headed straight for the ocean. It was freeeeezzzzing!

Before we left Sam decided he was ready to go play in the waves.
Sam took this photo of Brian and me... Not bad! We had such a good day today. Watching the kids play and get so excited about the beach was great. I want more days like this. The sand between my toes, the sun on my back and my sweet family to enjoy it with.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Yay for Stickers
A Twist on Breakfast
Thursday, September 11, 2008
His giggles, hugs, wet kisses and sweet smiles make up for his almost two-ness...
At the zoo...

We finally made it out to the car; although that was a minor production as Sam decided he had to bring all of his treasures. Today these included two yellow marbles, two Lightening McQueen cars, two rubber dinosaurs he calls Gogie and Babe, and a car remote control (not the car however).
We finally made into the zoo, met up with our friends, and were in line to see the new baby elephant. I guess I expected a little more excitement.
Sam: Where is it?
Me: Right there next to his Mommy.
Sam: Oh.
Ben: He’s wheely cute!
Me: Let’s go find some more other animals ok?
Ben: I wanna go home.
Sam: I’m hungry.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Family Rules
Today I was making breakfast while they were playing in the other room. It got quiet, and Sam led Ben into the kitchen and pointed to our list of Family Rules (which Sam helped come up with).
“You see Ben? Number 2… what does that one say? It says ‘SHARE’. Yep, that’s it. Share. You have to Share Ben! So do you want to share that train with me?”
Ben thought about that one for about .2 seconds and ran out of the room… “NO!”.
That didn’t make Sam to happy…… “Mommmmmy! He doesn’t wannnnntttt tooo sharrrrre!”
Hmmm, I guess Sam needs help with #5.
Monday, September 8, 2008
I Popped it!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
End of Summer...Back to School!

The kids were super excited when Brian returned from running Hood to Coast. Sam wore Daddy's medal everywhere for about 3 days... so of course Ben had to do the same.