Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Big one Little one

Ben follows Sam everywhere. If Sam is playing with cars, so is Ben... If Sam is wearing socks, Ben wants socks. If Sam has milk, Ben wants milk. It is pretty funny to watch them in action. This morning Brian got out of the shower and found them in Ben's room. They were all hunkered down behind the bed in their little hiding spot...Sam reading stories to Ben.

Of course they have their moments of not wanting to share, or not wanting to be tackled by the other one etc. But for the most part they are pretty good buddies. Yesterday I heard Sam telling his brother "We can't turn on those lights because we don't want to waste energy!" and today "Here, let me take your shoes off for you... We can't jump on the bed with our shoes because we'll get it alllllll dirrrty." Quite the little helper.

Yep, I let my kids jump on the bed. Bad mom.

Professor update: Brian was interviewed again this week on KPAM (talk radio). He was locked out of his office that morning but was able to get in and do the interview a bit late... they opened the segment with Bryan Adams "Please forgive me..." It was too funny. KOIN showed up at UP yesterday and filmed his class and interviewed Brian and one of his students for the 5:30 news. He will be on KGW again tonight after another interview in his office this am. I am married to quite the celebrity although he says he is ready for it to end...

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