Saturday we got to celebrate Caden's 2nd birthday with family and friends. The boys loved his Toy Story cake! Sam is looking so grown up these days... Sam was into helping with presents. Ben kept saying "which one is mine?" and "which one can I take home?" Fun in the playroom! Thanks for a great night Lacey and Craig! We hope Caden had a great birthday celebration!
10 yrs - Loves sports, school and playing with friends. Growing taller by the day and eats everything he can get his hands on!
7 yrs - the clown of the family - playful and curious. Loves soccer, basketball, riding bikes, legos, has a huge imagination and never stops asking questions!
3 yrs - our happy girl loves playing with her babies, throwing and kicking balls, climbing and sliding at the park and trying to keep up with the big kids!
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