Thursday morning started off early! We got to the airport around 5am with plenty of time to spare, got in line at Starbucks and preceeded to wait 40 minutes to get our coffee... so long story short we almost missed our flight. Not so funny at the time but thinking about it now is rather amusing. Picture us running at full speed down the concourse with carry-ons, coffee and in flip flops as they paged over the loud speaker "this is the final call for boarding... doors are closing!" As we could finally see the gate my latte flew out of my hand and hit the ground - AHHHHH! I grabbed the empty cup and kept running for the plane. I didn't even care about the was the fact that I waited in line so long to GET the coffee. At least we made the flight! If you look closely at the photo above you can see Leah waiting for her drink... and the employee behind the counter that makes espresso about as quickly as my 4 year old.
It was great to have a few days away with good friends. The convention was a good resource for our mops group here. We heard several great speakers, musicians and networked with others to get new ideas. We didn't have a lot of time outside of the "compound" as we referred to our resort... but did take a shuttle to downtown Grapevine for winetasting, shopping and dinner. A lot of coffee, chocolate, margaritas, wine, nachos (NO more nachos!) were consumed. We watched baseball, Saturday NIght Live, sat by the pool and came really close to attempting karaoke.
Kristi and I took the earliest flight out so were up at 1:45am Portland time - yikes. Brian and the boys had a good weekend - all went well. I was so happy to see them all -- they have been asking for tickles, snuggles and stories. I normally don't love the whole bedtime routine but tonight was a sweet treat.
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