Thursday, October 9, 2008


This is what you do around our house if you are bored. Round up blankets and twirl like a princess and fly through the house like a superhero. When I informed Sam that since he is a boy he would be a prince -- he looked at me like... Whatever! "Lizzie is a princess..."

So he became a prince and Ben declared he was a "ghost pwincess"... They twirled and rolled and tore threw the house with their capes. It seems lately all they do is run through the house, upstairs and down, through each room creating tornados. Wherever Sam goes Ben goes. Wherever they go I eventually end up... picking up toys, cars, trains etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mara, I just got caught up on your blog! I love what you do! Your energy, love for the boys, everything! You sound great!
I also love this time of year!! October is the best!
Talk to you soon,