Thursday, October 16, 2008

Big Yellow Dog and A Professor

Mac had a visit with our vet this week. He has been limping around and having a hard time getting up and down. We thought his hip was giving him trouble but it looks like he has a knee injury. We were referred to a surgeon to have further tests and exams...depending on the problem and the type of surgery, treatment will likely be $3000-4000. What?! Our vet is pretty conservative and says it is a hard decision to make as he is only 7 yrs old. Some dogs do ok with anti-inflammatories, exercise and TLC. We will meet with the specialist and see what they say. He is our first baby...

Professor Update... Last week Brian was part of a panel at Univ. of Portland discussing the US financial situation. The discussion lasted about an hour and is now available on iTunes U. If you are interested in hearing about credit markets, leverage, commercial paper, reserves, derivatives, bonds and a bunch of other financial hullabaloo... check it out here.

If you don't have iTunes installed, this will direct you to download the page. Under the Academics section, click 2008 Financial Crisis. Brian's part of the presentation starts about 13 minutes in. The whole thing ends with a question/answer session. Enjoy.

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