We had our first head wound this week... Ben hit the corner of our tv stand and WOW that was a lot of blood. We drove to the ER, but after having the front desk nurse check it out we opted not to have stitches and it's looking good after a few days of steri-strips. :-)
It's 1:30 and no one wants to take a nap in this house except for me. :-) Ben is waiting for Papa to come over... Harper napped for a whole 5 minutes this morning and is now crawling around causing trouble.
Harper is 9 months old today and is such a happy girl! Yesterday we had her well child appointment and she weighed in at 17 lbs (19%) and 67% for height. She's crawling, pulling herself up to standing (and getting quite brave about letting go), babbling away, and trying to keep up with her brothers. We've discovered she wants to eat everything we eat... tonight it was spaghetti. Hard to believe our baby will be a toddler in a few months!
We are having so much fun with our first year of coach pitch baseball. I didn't realize how much of a time commitment it would be...quite a few games and lots of time trying to keep our kids entertained at the field. It's been great watching the boys work together and improve their skills... and be goofy too!
Now that Harper is crawling, I find her following the big kids around to play. Yesterday I was cleaning up around the house, and found her playing under the train table!
A couple of weeks ago we noticed this nest out in our yard. A robin finally appeared this week, and she has been sitting inside pretty much 24/7. Yesterday she was out of the nest, and the boys wanted to know if there were any eggs inside. After climbing up on the deck railing and halfway into the tree, we were able to see this cool, blue egg!
Sam had his birthday party yesterday - 18 friends at our gym jumping, running and playing basketball in the gym. He originally wanted to have a party at home but I am so glad we didn't since it was raining and hailing all afternoon! This morning we had brunch to celebrate mother's day and mom's birthday over at Ellen and Colin's. The kids played a ton outside before the rain hit. Lego-mania!LOVE these 3!
I am officially the mom of a 7 year old. Last night when he went to bed, Sam said he couldn't wait til midnight because it would be his birthday. He was up bright and early this morning! It was a school out day because of conferences... so we made pancakes, played games, papa came over and we had dinner out at Benihana. A fun day! This afternoon the kids were lounging around and of course these two having fun. Happy Birthday Sam!
10 yrs - Loves sports, school and playing with friends. Growing taller by the day and eats everything he can get his hands on!
7 yrs - the clown of the family - playful and curious. Loves soccer, basketball, riding bikes, legos, has a huge imagination and never stops asking questions!
3 yrs - our happy girl loves playing with her babies, throwing and kicking balls, climbing and sliding at the park and trying to keep up with the big kids!