Saturday, September 12, 2009

We made it through the week

Sam started all day Kindergarten Tuesday -- so many changes! New school, friends, teacher. I can see how it would be overwhelming for the littlest ones - being surrounded by all of these big kids and making the adjustment with everything so new! He seemed to really enjoy school but did fear riding the bus home. The first day he had a hard time getting on that big bus with 80 other kids...but by day 2 he was doing much better. There are some neighborhood kids on the same bus so that helps - as well as a couple of kids from his class. Every day he gets off of the bus and says he had fun at school - and of course recess is his favorite part of the day! He has been taking naps for 5 years - and I should have been easing him into this new schedule. He is exhausted! Yesterday I found him laying in bed twice before dinner.

I have become one of those moms - I am now part of the club. This week Sam brought home envelopes for PTA donations, volunteer sign up sheets, entertainment books for sale etc. Thursday night was the back to school picnic and today Sam has his very first ever soccer game. Let the craziness begin!

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