Harper Quinn Adams was born August 20th at 9:14am. She weighed in at 8lbs 9oz and has lots of dark hair. First bath... Love her fuzzy post-bath hair! Visit from Auntie Ellen Ben loves to hold her and give her "pets"... Big brother! Papa and Mimi have been taking care of the boys. We should be going home Monday - for now we are getting rest up at St. V's.
We are so thankful for our wonderful friends and family. We appreciate all of the sweet notes, emails, phone calls and offers to help! xoxo
10 yrs - Loves sports, school and playing with friends. Growing taller by the day and eats everything he can get his hands on!
7 yrs - the clown of the family - playful and curious. Loves soccer, basketball, riding bikes, legos, has a huge imagination and never stops asking questions!
3 yrs - our happy girl loves playing with her babies, throwing and kicking balls, climbing and sliding at the park and trying to keep up with the big kids!
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