Thursday, April 30, 2009
Where one goes the other one follows...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A couple of random pix...
This evening they spent 20 minutes giggling in the pantry with the light off. Goofy kids! So glad they have such a good time together.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Trying to catch up...
It has been too long since I have had time to post anything new! We have been crazy busy the last couple of weeks. We have had something almost every night lately which is fun but tiring. Last week Sam had school, swimming lessons, soccer and a few playdates. I was busy shuttling the kids around, volunteering at the Caddies 4 Cure concert, playing softball, hosting friends for dinner, and helping with our end of the year MOPS brunch. I had two Silpada shows which were a lot of fun as well.
Last night we had dinner with friends. The kids had fun running around and playing crispee (frisbee)... not sure where Sam came up with that one! They have a 1st grader so he was excited to play with a BIG boy.
This was going to be a quiet week, but our schedule is filling up with playdates, coffee and dinner out with friends, 3 softball games, and hopefully some time to relax. Brian is headed to the coast on Friday for his annual guy's weekend. The boys and I will be going to cousin Caden's birthday party on Saturday - the party season has begun!
In May we celebrate Sam, Mom, Brian, cousins Kelly, Caden and Zoe, Uncle Lee, Aunt Lisa, and Gail along with a few friends! I can't believe Sam turns 5 next week! I registered him for Kindergarten today!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Another 80 degree day in Portland
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Outside Fun
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter 2009
Sorting through the goods...
Waiting for everyone to arrive for brunch... We had a great spread! Eggs, blueberry coffee cake, cinnamon rolls, sausage, fruit salad, hashbrowns and mimosas.
We had 3 other families over for dinner last night and the kids got to bed late and up early today - they were exhausted when everyone left and are both taking much needed power naps. The Easter Bunny is tired too!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Easter Weekend...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Field Trip
Ben insisted on walking most of the way. Mr. Independent wants to do whatever the big kids are doing!
The kids wanted to feed the birds in the Lorikeet Exhibit - a bird flew right by Sam's face and he decided maybe he didn't want them that close. We put our nectar on the ground and watched from a few feet away.
They loved riding the train...
Ben always wants to touch everything... Sam is too busy running ahead to the next exhibit.
We left at the perfect time - just as the kids were starting to get tired and cranky and the parking lot was swarming with people looking for spots!