Saturday, January 28, 2012

Long Week

Last Sunday morning Ben woke up with the stomach flu... Monday night Sam came down with it... and by Tuesday morning Harper had it.  FAB-U-LOUS.  Tuesday I did 8 loads of laundry and washed/changed the sheets on all 4 beds.  I sterilized everything in sight.  Then that night I started feeling...not so hot.  

Here are a few pix of the kids keeping busy while home sick.  I must say they were all troopers.  No crying or whining... just a lot of puking and laying around recovering.
Today is Saturday and Brian woke up sick - the boys had basketball games and birthday parties to get to.  Brian coaches Sam's team which makes things even trickier, but we managed to get everyone where they needed to be.  

Here's to a new week!  And cheers to being healthy!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday afternoon

The boys had their first basketball games of the season this morning.  Now it's just a typical Saturday afternoon.  I finished my run, Brian's at the gym, Sam is watching sports, Harper is self-entertaining and Ben is playing all things Mario.  

Snow Day

We had snow earlier this week... snow that turned to rain.  The kids were hoping for enough to throw snowballs but it melted away too fast.  Now we are just having a lot of rain and wind!  Can't wait until spring!

Monday, January 16, 2012



Sam's friend Maggie came over last week for a playdate.  They were too cute building with legos, playing Just Dance, baking shrinky dinks and playing chess.  :-)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back to reality

Tuesday morning hit me like a ton of bricks... Winter Break was officially over.  The kids were officially back to school and my sister and her family were officially on their way back to Singapore.  
It's taken me a few days to get out of my funk and back into the routine... early mornings, school lunches, preschool drop off, early naptimes and bedtimes.  Summer can't come soon enough!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day

We've had a good day so far... Brian and I have both finished our first workouts of 2012 and the kids have been playing with their cousins...who fly back to Singapore on Tuesday.  Legos and football have taken over the house.